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Blue Haired Teen Pleasures Pussy-Luv2WatchMyCam Amateur Webcam Girl 33
I flicked my tongue all around her cunt, licking the fresh wetness up greedily. I had her gentle, moist kisses the whole way from her cunt to her clit, feeling her hips tremble and shake over my tongue. She took shut her eyes and caught my hair, her top up the wind, urging me to get faster. I clamped my mouth down on her clit and inserted the digit within. I began pumping it in and out sharply, my tongue tracing crazy shapes at her throbbing clit. She pushed her eyes closed tighter, grabbed my hair, and let out a loud groan. I thought her body loosen, as she put her head back down on the cushion with a gentle flump.
She got out her language as far as she would and plunged it in between my pussy lips. I clenched my butt hard, welcoming this gentle darting excitement. I rolled her hair in my side as she curled her tongue and plunged it deeper, making me tremble. She reached up, gripped my left chest, and squeezed my tit, sending jolts of joy to my cunt. She plunged her language faster and harder, my clit hardening and satisfying with stress. I was tongue fucked into the large screaming orgasm that nearly dislocated my back. These pulses were so powerful, I could feel that sound the whole way up my ribs. I went slowly, kissing and licking her neck while I encircled her clit softly. I waited until I would think it erect, her vulva digging out from the surface. So, I squeezed my fingers deep inside her. I took her thighs aside with my ankles and gripped her cut from after while I finger-fucked her until she squirted completely at my television. Planes of juice sprayed across the area. I whispered sexy words in her ear and told her what al nasty woman she was as my fingers whirled quickly in her cunt.
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